January 3, 2025: Happy New Year! Rise of the Creepers is now available to pre-order. Paperback and hardcover will be available on the day of the release.

I’ve written the third and final book of the Zworsky’s Children series called The Metachromes. The book is scheduled for copy editing this summer. I plan to release it at the end of the year.

December 7, 2024: Thank you Readers’ Favorite for the five star review of Flight Unknown.

It took some time but I finally formatted the paperback and hardcover for Rise of the Creepers. Next will be the announcement for the cover reveal.

October 13, 2024: Running an ebook sale this weekend. 99 cents for The Mansion, Suburban Tales 2, and Flight Unknown. Working on the copy edits and comments for Rise of the Creepers. Looking forward to sharing this with everyone next year!

October 1, 2024: Flight Unknown is part of AuthorsXP month long Halloween promo.

September 16, 2024: 5 star review from Readers’ Favorite for Charlie One. Thank you.

September 15, 2024: Fall is turning out to be busy for me. Book two of Zworsky’s Children, Rise of the Creepers was sent to my copyeditor this past weekend. Stuart Bach will be designing the cover which I hope to reveal in January of 2025. I’m sticking to my plan to have it out by early next year.

Almost done with the first draft of my new coming-of-age novel called A Lovely Dark Summer.

My novella Flight Unknown has really taken off - ha! I’ve gotten a lot of nice ratings and reviews over the past month.

Wrote an article on Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, which I’m planning to submit to journals in the fall.

July 17, 2024: I received two awesome reviews: Uncaged Reviews and Readers’ Favorite for Zworsky’s Children. Thank you so much! It’s a been over a year since I’ve published the book and I am so happy with all the sales and kindle unlimited reads.

Next month, I will be preparing the second book of the Zworsky’s Children series, RISE OF THE CREEPERS, for copyediting. I plan to release the book early next year. I’m also hard at work on a new novel and have already written 26,000 words.

March 13, 2024: I received a nice review from Kirkus Reviews for Charlie One. The ebook is now available to pre-order on Amazon. Paperback and hardcover will be available on April 23.

February 27, 2024: The book cover for Charlie One will be coming very soon. I’ve seen the cover and it looks awesome. I’m looking forward to sharing it with everyone.

December 10, 2023: My new novel is currently being copy edited at Easy Reader Editing. It’s called CHARLIE ONE , a young adult novel. I’ll have more details early next year.

I scheduled time with Stuart Bache to design book two of the Zworsky’s Children series for the end of 2024. I plan to publish the second book in early 2025! I also wrote a rough draft of book three.